Friday, January 13, 2017

Every new beginning deserves an introduction

It's the year 2017 and I'm finding that I am making changes in my life in order to focus on the bright side of life. Part of the bright side for me involves reading and talking about books. So, here I am, dipping my toe into the large ocean of bloggers to see what happens. It's quite possible I won't have that many followers, if any, but I'd like to think that there will be some sense of joy or understanding in connection to the content I post here.

Who are you?

My name is Samantha, meaning "listener of God", but I have been called a variety of names: Sam, Sammie (Sammy), Sammerz, Skittles, Amanda, Stephanie, Jennifer, etc. But my favorite name has always been Missy May. It holds a special place in my heart - a place that I intend to share here. 

I was born in 1989 in the lovely Midwest. In 2008, I moved to Southern California to be with my boyfriend, now husband. We were married September 2016 in the most beautiful wedding in the world (I may be a LITTLE bit biased)! I worked at Boys Town with teenage boys for 3 1/2 years before becoming an assistant teacher for infants and toddlers at Childtime Learning Center. My ultimate career goal is to get my Masters in guidance counseling and work with kids in the school setting.

What do you like to read?

My favorite reads are almost always fantasy-based, but I'll delve into just about anything. I struggle with non-fiction and contemporaries, but I have an open mind. There's just something about being transported to another world that gets my heart going. 

My current favorite authors seem to be Brandon Sanderson, Stephen King, Brent Weeks, Patrick Rothfuss, and Marissa Meyer. I'm dabbling in Sarah J. Maas and Neil Gaiman as well. 

I'm definitely open to the comics/graphic novel/manga world and have a few favorites in those categories as well. Currently, my favorites are The Walking Dead, Skip Beat!, Death Note, Rurouni Kenshin, The Sandman, and The New 52 Wonder Woman. 

What's your blog going to be about?

Overall, I just want to share and talk about the books I read. I also dabble in bullet journaling to keep my life in order. I'm always trying to find new or improved ways to track what I'm reading, as well as crossing off the books on my TBR. 

Hopefully, that gives you some insight into what to expect from this blog. I'm currently reading five books and am pretty darn close to finishing four of them, so be expecting reviews soon! If you would like to follow me on other social media, you can find me at: 

Instagram: @sammie.young.333
Twitter: @missymaynook

Are you trying something new for the year 2017? What's your favorite genre to read from?

1 comment:

  1. I think Missy May fits you! As someone who has known you your whole life, I look forward to following your blog. I tend to read more mysteries, but I have enjoyed dipping into the fantasy genre. I think this will be a great way for me to broaden my want to read book list.
