Wednesday, January 18, 2017

To read or not to read?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you just can't seem to pick up a certain book after starting it? You're not hating the book, but can't find anything you really love about it either.

I seem to find myself in lulls every once in a while where I start reading a book, but it takes a little too long to finish it and I find myself not picking it up for longer and longer.

What is odd about it is that it may not be a reading slump. I'll find interest in other books and keep reading, but whenever I look at that one book (whatever it may be), I find myself struggling more and more to pick up that book.

So, then you come to the point where you have to make a decision: do you push through it to the point that you either finish it or hate it, or do you give it up to possibly try at a later time (if at all)? I usually find myself deciding on the latter option, but it comes with consequences as well. There have been times I put a book aside that I had started on, then heard from multitudes of other people that it was worth pushing through it. But there have also been times where I pushed myself through a book and those are usually the times where I hated the book with pretty strong emotions.

What do you do when you're in a lull? Would you have any advice on how to push through?

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