Monday, May 1, 2017

Clockwork Prince review

The Basics

Book Title: Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices, #2)
Author: Cassandra Clare
Pages: 498
ISBN: 978-1-4169-7589-2
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance

Defining Quote

None this time around :/


We continue to follow Tessa, Will, and Jem as they try to discover more about the Magister's plans before Charlotte, the leader of the Institute, is kicked out. 


So, I do have some thoughts about this book, but it's probably not going to be as long as normal. The biggest reason that I continued on with this series was because I was interested in the mystery of the story. I wanted to know more about Tessa's past, as well as what the Magister was ultimately up to. In plot, I wasn't disappointed. I felt like there was consistent action throughout the book, unlike the first one, and was always anxious to find out what was the next step of catching the Magister. If the book continued somewhat on the same strain as the first one while keeping the same plot they had in this book, I would've rated this book 5 stars, easy. BUT. That's not what happened. 

At the end of the first book, I suspected a love triangle forming, and sure enough, it happened. Love triangles are my most hated trope in books, ever. There is enough conflict that can be formed just between two people. You don't need to get a third person involved to create conflict. Sometimes it can be done well, but for the most part, it just drives me insane. That's what happened in this book. If you haven't figured it out already, the love triangle is between Tessa, Will, and Jem. Now, the first book did a great job of setting up Jem as a good, close friend and Will as the love interest. If Cassandra Clare had just stuck with that, this book would be great, but NO. Jem HAS to be a love interest as well. -.- It's not convincing (for me) and Tessa is SO wishy-washy about who she loves more (when it's so painfully obvious to everyone - even in the book - that she loves Will more), it's just painful.

Now, I didn't drive down the rating too low on this one, because I realize that my peeve with love triangles is my own personal querk. If you don't mind love triangles, honestly, I think you'll love this book. I do have the third book on hold at the library because I do want to figure out the mystery, but I already looked up what happens with the whole Tessa-Will-Jem thing because it just annoyed me that it exists in the first place. This way I can just focus on the plot and stay engaged in that. 

Pros vs. Cons

  • Pros
    • Mystery still engaging
    • Action is more consistent in this book
    • Character development on Will is interesting
  • Cons
    • Tessa being Bella Swan-like about who she loves more

Overall Rating


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